Um automobilista do concelho de Ourém, que disse ser Testemunha de Jeová, foi condenado em tribunal por se ter recusado a fazer o teste do álcool no hospital, depois do teste do balão ter falhado três vezes por “sopro insuficiente”.

Quando foi mandado parar pela polícia na rua Francisco Sá Carneiro em Ourém a 9 de julho de 2016, LM, de 41 anos, fez o teste do álcool por três vezes mas o arguido soprou de forma deficiente o que não permitiu aferir a taxa de alcoolemia. Quando isto acontece, a polícia encaminha o automobilista ao hospital mais próximo para fazer recolha de sangue para análise. Mas LM recusou-se alegando ser Testemunha de Jeová. Nesta religião professa-se como princípio basilar que o sangue é sagrado e está estritamente ligado à alma, não lhe podendo ser retirado em caso algum.

Alertado pela polícia de que incorria no crime de desobediência, o arguido continuou a recusar submeter-se a análise do sangue.

O processo chegou a tribunal e, na primeira instância, em Ourém, o juiz não se deixou convencer com os argumentos do automobilista e condenou-o a uma multa de 900 euros e a proibição de conduzir durante seis meses.

Inconformado com a condenação, o automobilista recorreu para o tribunal da Relação de Évora. Os juízes deste tribunal mantiveram a pena sobretudo porque o arguido não provou ser Testemunha de Jeová e porque “apresentou na audiência de julgamento uma versão distorcida dos factos a fim de se eximir às suas responsabilidades”, conforme se pode ler no acórdão.

Ganhou o “bichinho” do jornalismo quando, no início dos anos 80, começou a trabalhar como compositor numa tipografia em Tomar. Caractere a caractere, manualmente ou na velha Linotype, alinhavava palavras que davam corpo a jornais e livros. Desde então e em vários projetos esteve sempre ligado ao jornalismo, paixão que lhe corre nas veias.

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8 Comentários

  1. Uma Testemunha de Jeová faz todo o possível para respeitar as leis do seu país, inclusive as autoridades. Isso inclui não dirigir alcoolizado. Sabemos que as Testemunhas de Jeová são pessoas imperfeitas como qualquer outra, logo uma pode incorrer nesse erro. Diante disso sua consciência treinada pela Bíblia o faz assumir o erro e arcar com as consequências: seja uma disciplina na congregação ou mesmo uma responsabilização perante as autoridades.
    Vemos portanto, que este homem não é Testemunha de Jeová. Não há nenhuma doutrina ou ensinamento desse grupo religioso que proíba exames de sangue.
    Ele deve pagar por seus atos, e deveria incorrer em falsidade ideológica, pois afirma ser quem não é.

    1. Certezaque esse cara nao é testwmunha de Jeová. Recolher sangue nao tem nada a ver com transfundir sangue.
      Que barbaridade! Se fosse testemunha de Jeová mesmo, ele saberia disso

  2. Esse homem não é testemunha de Jeová pelos seguintes fatos: não é proibido retirar sangue para fazer exames. Aceitamos a autotransfusao de sangue (autóloga) e as TJs não descumprem as leis do homem.

    Ele mesmo não conseguiu provar que ele era um TJ como diz na própria matéria: “Os juízes deste tribunal mantiveram a pena sobretudo porque o arguido NÃO PROVOU ser Testemunha de Jeová”

  3. Seguramente el Hombre no era Testigo de Jehová, pero una cosa es clara LOS TESTIGOS DE JEHOVA SON VIOLADORES DE LAS LEYES!!
    Te pongo una muestra de lo que hacen

    We all know that through the Literature of the TJ always encourages not to be part of the World (The World Governed by Santanás all but them)

    The great majority of the Governments of the World of Satan are chosen in a Democratic way by the sovereign who is the People.

    The contempt for national symbols and even borders, they say, are the reasons why there is no peace in the world and continuous wars.

    People fight according to them for a Piece of cloth with Symbols and dies for them. (Idolatry they say !!)

    Now let’s see what most governments and countries in the world do: –

    They worry about the Health of the people (All !!);
    They worry about the Education of the whole Population;
    governments try to protect their inhabitants (Security);
    The governments have clear directives on how to receive citizens from other countries;
    Governments around the world seek Social Inclusion;
    Governments seek Tolerance of religious ideas.

    Here I will not discuss whether they do it well or they do it badly, only the principles that govern most countries in the world.

    Satan’s world seeks Equality between men and women and non-discrimination. (Although it has not been long since the practice is walking well)

    The Government of the Jehovah’s Witnesses: –

    1) They are not part of the world, they are governed directly by GOD (How do we not know exactly why the bible is a book)
    2) The governing body of the Jehovah’s Witnesses is a Commercial Entity.
    3) The Government is an Autocracy (Not chosen by the Witnesses)
    4) This Government uses all the Services of the Governments of Satan: – Transportation; Security; Passports; Energy; and even the Government of Satan teaches his Children in the Schools. An important part of which they make use of is the Commercial System and the Financial System of the Satanic World of which they are not part. They also make use of the Health System of this world of which they are not part.
    5) The Health and Life of the members of this Nation that they call “New World Society”, whose headquarters are the Centrals in New York, with the Embassies Branches in various countries and their Consular offices the Kingdom Halls in each place they can; As I was saying, health does not interest them because thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses die because of their Government’s disposition against blood transfusions, and in the past decades many died when rejecting organ transplants.

    6) The Security and Protection of the weakest has never been a concern and the proof of this is that thousands of rapes and abuses of children in their congregations and by adepts where matters were never made available to the World Authorities of Satan who are responsible for dealing with these disgusting and criminal issues.
    7) The New World Society is a Machista Society, where women can not access management positions and can not even teach as a teacher directly in their Kingdom Halls.
    They always look for a way to show that the woman teaches another but not the whole. The woman is in a position of complement or subjection to man.

    8) The New World Society although it is dispersed in the World of Satan has Ideological Frontiers, and seeks to maintain the Separation between Them and Us. (Actually it’s a great Lie)
    We Jehovah’s Witnesses Governed by God
    They the World Governed by the Devil (Enemy only)
    9) It is an Intolerant Society: –
    Within it there is Sexual Discrimination
    Within it there is Religious Discrimination
    Within it there is the Exile and Expulsion
    Within it there is the Social and Family Fracture

    10) This New World Society, even if it does not say it, has a Flag and a Shield, it is in all its Command and Worship Centers
    The ID to which they make so much publicity is: – JW.ORG.
    There is a lot of Merchandising about your Identification, which can be obtained in EBay and by other means.

    11) The Famous Christian Neutrality: – They say with much Pride that no person in this world has been killed by bullets from a Jehovah’s Witness! However, the Jehovah’s Witnesses have committed thousands of murders (people have been strangled, stabbed and shot in their halls, infinity of induced suicides)
    No Military can be part of them, and when they are Police they look for them not to carry weapons, to be able to access privileges. Thousands of people have had to leave their jobs when they have washed their heads with the famous Text of Isaiah 2: 2-4-
    Thousands of people have died of hunger by not accepting a card given by the government or a political party to access food and they have identified it as Violating Christian Neutrality.
    However, his Central Government of New York has been part of the UN as an NGO; and has asked to be part of the Council of Europe as an NGO.
    Looking for sponsorship and civil protection that gives “The Disgusting Beast Stop at the Holy Place” the UN (You understand me?)

    12) On Freedom of Information: – Jehovah’s Witnesses are prohibited from consulting questioning information in any format of their organization, which they “Call Apostate Information” and much less comment it with others !!! (How could we call this?)

    13) The Jehovah’s Witnesses are forbidden to comment and criticize within the same Organization, it is absolutely forbidden to raise doubts or criticisms in their Meetings, in this Organization there are no public debates (Only Indoctrination exists in only one direction). He who tries to generate a debate will be immediately silenced. (What would you call this?)

    14) FINANCES: – It is true that in the Kingdom Hall they receive a monthly report about the little room stories that are generally chirolas.
    But Jehovah’s Witnesses will never receive information about Big Investments; They will not receive documented information about the Large Real Estate Sales Businesses and what happens with the Results Accounts.
    The reason is very simple, they DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT, because in reality Jehovah’s Witnesses are part of an entelechy that does not exist,
    what is there is a registered brand (it is an internet domain); but they are not shareholders of the real Organization behind the Name, which are the ones that receive the Results accounts; those who receive their inheritance; those who receive the trusts; those who make High Risk Investments; those who are the Holders of the Scriptures of each and every one of the Kingdom Halls.

    Here there is no Ministry of Finance what there is a Giant Trap and a black hole where the contributions for the world work are going !!!

    In Reality dear friend @ THE NEW WORLD SOCIETY, is nothing more than an invention to ENTELL YOU, in a format of Exclusive Dedication in this case No to the True God, if not to an Entity where YOU AND YOUR FAMILY are an INVESTMENT OF DIRECT MARKETING and MEMBERS OF A COMMERCIAL PYRAMID where the BASIS OF INCOME is exactly in You and in the results that You can bring to the Organization.

    The principle is Basic: – 1) Retain you and your family the longest possible time of your life.

    2) Any work or contribution that you do, no matter how small, is always a lot since Indoctrinating has cost almost nothing since the Indoctrination was done by people who did not charge for it.
    3) In addition to Receiving Income for sale of Literature or Internet Downloads, in the Diversification is the Atomization of Risk. That is why there are additional and larger businesses

    A) Be Holders of the Most Possible Amount of Real Estate in the World in General that not only provides capital (obtained with free labor) but also provides a guarantee at the financial level.

    B) Receive Donations, they advertise to the one that some children make of a few coins, but they are interested: – Properties; Insurance; Jewelry; Participations in Companies; Total trusts, or participation in Trusts; Be Beneficiaries of Trusts in the results.

    C) And in case the Flies make investments directly even at high risk to obtain the greatest amount of results in a short time.

    As you can see these people Play in all the Court, and in all the Posts. If you think you are holy men who only think about what the Bible says you have Engulfed not the Mosquito you have eaten a Larger Camel than Brookling. Because these people play in the League where they play the GREAT SHARKS, they swim in very deep waters.

    ASK GOD HOW MUCH MONEY YOU NEED, to bring Change to Humanity; Ask God how much he needs you to make him know humanity that HE DOES NOT MISTAKE, AND THAT EVERYTHING KNOWS

    Does the God of Reality really need some tormentors to represent him on Earth?

  4. Não contesto os factos que dão corpo à notícia. Porém, o link apresentado em “acórdão”, última palavra da notícia, não esclarece rigorosamente nada e nem sequer respeita a este caso. Desculpem a franqueza mas assim, não.

  5. Não é TJ nem aí e nem na China. Acabei de sair do laboratório e colhi mais de 5 tubos de sangue para exames. Sou Testemunha de Jeová há mais de 30 anos e nunca deixei de cuidar da minha saúde e de minha família o que inclui exames de sangue duas vezes ao ano.

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